GAS detectors:
1. Laser line gas detectors
2. Point gas detectors
3. Acoustic gas detectors

1. Laser line Gas detector Gas leak detector Gas alarm MSA Senscient Laser line Gas leak Acoustic Sniffer Portable Natural gas Ultrasonic_

The Senscient laser line gas detector offers improved safety, reliability and significantly higher uptime than the traditional IR line gas detectors on the market.
It has proved to be a problem solver where there are major challenges with the existing line gas detectors.

2. Point Gas detector Gas leak detector Punkt MSA Ultima X5000 Gas meter portable gas leak Natural gas Senscient Gassonic Gas alarm Ultrasonic Acoustic Sniffer

MSA ULTIMA X5000 is an advanced and easy-to-use point gas detector for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases.
It features a touch screen with user-friendly menu in multiple languages, making it easy to navigate.

  • With MSA’s patented XCell® sensor, you get an increased sensor lifetime (5 years) and a 3-year warranty.
  • With the patented TruCal® technology (H2S& CO) you can increase the test interval up to 18 months.
  • The XCell® sensor has a built-in check if the sensor becomes blocked or dirty.
  • Sensor can be replaced while detector is “live” even in hazardous areas.
  • No need for special instruments – calibration and checks can be done on the OLED display.
  • You can download the MSA X5000 App to your tablet or mobile for calibration and testing of the detector.
  • Can mount 2 sensors into the same transmitter with individual output to control system.
  • With the MSA X5000 detector, you get reduced operating costs.
  • For more info:

3. Acoustic Gas_detector_Gas_leak_detector_acoustic_acoustic_Gassonic_gas_leak_gas_meter_gas_alarm_sniffer_portable_natural_MSA_ultrasonic_Senscient_Web

MSA Gassonic OBSERVER-i is a fixed acoustic gas detector for immediate and reliable detection of gas leaks, before the leak reaches a dangerous level.
It is unaffected by weather and wind. The detector has an artificial intelligence that distinguishes between real gas leaks and false leak sources.

CONTACT US on tel. 51 71 97 00 or possibly. for more information.
And a non-binding review and mapping of your needs and challenges for gas detection or fire detection. challenges for gas detection or fire detection.

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