Katronic easy-to-use high quality clamp-on ultrasonic flow meter.


Katronic delivers clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters using the “transit time” principle.
The clamp-on flow meters can be used on most pipe materials with sizes from 10 – 6500 mm.
Flow meters from Katronic are also available in full offshore version with ATEX certification and material quality adapted to NORSOK.
No need for expensive costs with cutting of pipes etc.
Clamp-on flow meters can be used for many different applications and can measure all types of liquids.
All flow meter models from Katronic are very simple and self-explanatory to use, and include
a unique wizard for easy sensor placement.
The flow meters come with Norwegian, English and German instrument menu (software) as standard.
Ultrasonic flow meters from Katronic are available both as portable flow meters for temporary measurements (logging) and as permanent flow meters.   The “transit time” principle is that the ultrasonic signal is sent to and from the two sensors (transducers) that are mounted on the outside of the pipe and where the time difference between the signals is measured.
The ultrasonic signal sent in the direction of flow is transmitted faster than the signals sent against the direction of flow.
The time difference of the signal is proportional to the fluid velocity, and together with pipe dimensions, wall thickness etc. the flow meter will thus calculate the volumetric amount flowing inside the pipe.   More info: www.katronic.com

Clamp-on flowmeter / flow meter

Ultrasonic clamp-on flowmeter / flow meter