IR point gas detectors

New IR point gas detector from Optronics Technology
The PG11 and PGE11 gas detectors from Optronics are SIL certified by TÜV and Marine approved by DNV. These IR point gas detectors are specifically designed for the harsh environments of offshore installations, ships, and land-based facilities.
IR Point Gas Detectors
The gas detector comes calibrated for Methane, Propane, Ethylene, CO2, and Butane. It can also be customized for other gases and can be installed in HVAC ducts.
For simplified maintenance, it features the HART FDI protocol and operates based on condition-based maintenance principles. The gas detector is factory calibrated for its entire lifetime.
- 6-year warranty on the gas detector.
- 20-year warranty on “SafeSource™”, the gas detector’s IR source.
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IR point gas detectors

Gas detector IR point Optronics Technology PG11 and PGE11E