Instrumentation valves and manifolds

Instrumenting valves and manifolds – needle, ball and DBB.
Instrumentation valves and manifolds/distributors from the renowned quality supplier Stewarts include:
- Needle valves
- Ball valves
- Double block and bleed (DBB) valves
- Check valves
- Monoflanges
These products are designed for use in oil, gas, and petrochemical applications where reliable long-term performance is essential. The valves and manifolds are designed to mount directly on the process equipment, reducing potential leakage points, making the system more compact, and helping save weight and cost.
The valves and manifolds are available in various materials, flange types, and classifications. Most are supplied for a standard pressure of 6000 psi (10,000 / 20,000 psi available on request).
Download the catalog of Stewart’s wide range of valves (pdf, 14MB).
Stewarts also produces pressure gauges.
More info:

Angled Bonnet Double Block & Bleed Valve

Flanged Double Block and Bleed (DBB) Valves with Vent Plug
Pressure gauge

Pressure and temperature gauges, thermometers and subsea pressure gauges.
Stewarts has an impressive range within this product area, which includes pressure gauges, differential pressure gauges, and subsea pressure gauges. We cover pressure ranges from vacuum to 3500 bar, with housing dimensions ranging from 50mm to 250mm. The product range also includes chemical seals.
The equipment comes with a wide range of accessories designed for applications with high vibrations and high peak pressures. These include check valves, overrange gauge protectors, snubbers, and vibra gauges.
These products have been used for many years in both offshore and onshore installations in Norway, and they have a significant reference list both nationally and internationally.

Pressure gauge / pressure gauge chemical seal

Subsea manometer / pressure gauge