Acoustic gas leak detectors.
MSA Gassonic is the world’s leading manufacturer of fixed acoustic gas leak detectors for the oil and gas industry. These gas detectors are delivered in compliance with Norwegian requirements and are specifically designed for reliable and immediate gas leak detection in pressurized process plants, in both on- and offshore hazardous areas.
The Gas Detectors
The Gassonic acoustic gas detectors detect ultrasonic noise (25KHz) generated by gas leaks from pressurized process plants.
They are capable of detecting small gas leaks down to 0.1 kg/sec, at a distance of up to 20 meters, long before the leak builds to a dangerous level.
Additionally, these detectors are unaffected by weather conditions and wind, making their placement and predictability extremely reliable and easy.
New Gassonic
The new Gassonic Observer-i incorporates Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technology, which helps distinguish between real gas leaks and false alarm sources.
It features 4-20mA and HART output to the control system, providing seamless integration.
Observer-i also includes SENSSONIC™ self-test technology, which performs an external self-test on the detector to ensure optimal reliability.
This combination of point gas detectors, line gas detectors, and Gassonic acoustic detectors provides a comprehensive and highly efficient gas detection system.
For further information, please see the MSA Gassonic White Paper:
What are acoustic (ultrasonic) gas leak detectors and how do they work?
To understand how MSA Gassonic Observer-i detects gas leaks, watch the following video:
For additional information about Gassonic Observer-i, visit:
Gassonic Observer-i
For more information on MSA’s hydrogen detection solutions, visit:
Hydrogen Detection Solutions
This includes details about protecting people and plants from dangerous hydrogen gas leaks, the chemical properties of hydrogen, and product solutions for hydrogen gas leak detection.
Additionally, for insights into working safely with hydrogen, check out the technical paper:
How to Work Safely with Hydrogen: Insight into Hydrogen Flame and Gas Detection Principles

MSA Gassonic acoustic gas leak detector Observer-i

Gas detector gas leak acoustic gas meter alarm MSA Observer-i
Contact us
Morten Bjørkelund
Technical Manager
+47 959 85 708
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Ingrid Torkelsen
Order & project coordinator
+47 959 85 714
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