Gassonic Observer-i Gas leak detector Gas detector acoustic acoustic gas leak gas alarm gas meter sniffer ultrasonic MSA

Acoustic gas leak detectors.

MSA Gassonic is the world’s leading manufacturer of fixed acoustic gas leak detectors for the oil and gas industry.
The gas detectors are delivered in accordance with the Norwegian requirements.

Gassonic’s acoustic gas detectors are suitable for immediate and reliable detection of gas leaks in pressurized process plants in hazardous areas on- and offshore.

The gas detectors detect the ultrasonic noise (25KHz) generated by gas leaks from pressurized process plants. The detectors detect small gas leaks down to 0.1 kg/sec, at a distance of up to 20 meters. Before the gas leak manages to build up to a dangerous potential. The detectors are not affected by weather and wind, which makes the placement and predictability of the detector very easy.

Observer-i Gassonic Gassdetektor Gas leak detector akustisk gasslekkasje gassmler gassalarm natural sniffer ultrasonic acoustic MSA
MSA Gassonic acoustic gas leak detector Observer-i

The new Gassonic Observer-i features Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technology that distinguishes between real gas leaks and false alarm sources. The detector has 4-20mA and HART output to the control system.
Observer-i has included SENSSONIC™ self-test technology that performs an external self-test on the detector, improving the reliability of the new Gassonic detector.

The combination of point gas detectors and line gas detectors together with Gassonic acoustic detectors provides an optimal gas detection system.

Please see the MSA Gassonic White paper: What are acoustic (ultrasonic) gas leak detectors and how do they work?

See video about MSA Gassonic Observer-i acoustic gas leak detector and e.g. how it detects gas leaks.

Observer-i Gas leak detector Gas leak detector acoustic gas leak gas detector gas alarm natural sniffer ultrasonic acoustic MSA Gassonic
Gas detector gas leak acoustic gas meter alarm MSA Observer-i

Please contact Håland Instrumentering: 51 71 97 00 or

More info about: Gassonic Observer-i

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To the main overview Fire and gas detectors.